How to strengthen your personality at work - Pinkymind Blog

Instead of companies resorting to looking for new employees and always complaining about a lack of competencies, companies and institutions should contribute to training employees to qualify them and strengthen their personalities! "A lot of companies are avoiding investing in training their employees and trying to cut it short by looking for strong, qualified and ready employees. Today Pinkymind, The Online counselling app will help you with tips to strengthen yourself at work

Tips for the employer to strengthen your personality at work:

1. Hiring people with positive behavior, it is much easier to teach the job to a person with positive behavior than to try to teach a person who is expert in his field to become more humble and cooperative with his colleagues.
2. Be patient, even though each manager wants to appoint employees with strong and competent personalities from the start, but this needs time, help your employees by giving them the necessary training and help them to gradually control the tasks of their new position and continue to provide positive criticism to them during all of this.
3. Ask each colleagues to express his opinion of others and their performance. This will help you to know the positive and negative aspects of your colleagues and whether their current position is appropriate to their capabilities or not.
4. Talk to your colleagues constantly, not only listen to them during the annual evaluation of the performance of each of them, but during the year and on more than one occasion, try to know from your colleagues what they lack to do their job to the fullest and what they love and dislike in their current job
5. Ask them what they want to do and cannot do with their current
6. Think outside the box, the colleagues may not want to promote to a higher position
7. The employee may be happy to receive a position similar to your position in the career ladder but with different tasks or even return to a previous job position he preferred more than the current one.
7. Try to assess the capabilities of your juniors and link them with the company's long-term vision. You may want to launch a new production line whose conditions and opportunity are perfectly suited to the capabilities of one of your existing employees!
8. Because the work environment comes with a joint entity, strengthening the personality of yours alone is not the solution, but building a common culture in which everyone cooperates and where everyone comes out with their best may be your best way to strengthen your personality at work.


Finding the right employees for the job is the wrong way to build a strong team! Even as someone who has received a number from managerial positions for more than 30 years, it is best to make the job fit the employee and his strengths instead of choosing the right. Get more tips about work place depression and tips to overcome it


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