Start building a stronger character today - Pinkymind

Whatever your personality is weak or strong or needs some development, Pinkymind will help you understand the methods that may enable you to quickly strengthen the character and self-development! Whether you need a personal strengthening guide at work, and own strengthening for children, or in general, in this article, we have provided you with your integrated personality strengthening guide, read on to find out more!

Character development

From the earliest days of man, the personality begin to form, so that each of us grows with a different and distinct personality, 
With varying patterns of our nature and behaviors, we all desire to strengthen the character and self-development
Between the strengthening of character and self-confidence is a close relationship that makes its owner more self-loving and the world around him!

What is a strong character?

Are you the owner of a healthy personality? You can know this if you know the general features of the intense character! This is summarized by the ability to control emotions and instincts and resist temptations.
Looking at things from a neutral standpoint.
Give others love, support, tolerance, respect, and listening to them.
Pick out the right relationships.

Strengthen the personality of children

There is a famous saying that "raising a strong child is much easier than trying to repair a broken and weak man", so we have to start helping our children from an early age to strengthen the character. There may not be a magic formula for raising children with strong and successful personalities, but some research has indicated that parents who create children with healthy and successful characters as adults share the following points:

They involve their children in daily household chores: "If they don't take out the trash themselves or wash dishes, this means that someone else does the job for them." children who grow up in homes share an achievement. Her daily business grows into becoming more cooperative in employees with colleagues and highly responsible individuals.

Teach children the necessary social skills early:

It was found that there was a strong relationship between children's social capabilities and their skills in communicating with others in a classroom. Custody and their ability to succeed and develop strong personalities confident in work and education later in life. In seeking any advice. Your free counselling chat is available online

Expecting the best for their children: 

Through a survey conducted in California on more than 6,600 children, it was found that parents who draw big dreams for their children and develop future plans for them that include entering the university and achieving higher education are the most likely to raise children with strong and confident personalities who wish to achieve their dreams and the dreams of their families!

Maintain a strong family ties:

A study conducted at the University of the American University of Illinois indicated that children of divorced parents or families of many disagreements tend to be less successful and strong than those who grow up in families of strong connections ties.
They reached advanced levels in their education.
The University of Michigan in 2014 found that mothers who had completed their university or school education at least were raising more successful and stronger children.

 Develop strong ties with children early:

 A study conducted in 2014 found that caring for a child and developing a strong relationship with him makes him feel of interest in the first three years of his life that affects him to grow up a strong and successful person in work and education.

The number of hours a mother spends with her 3-11-year-old child may predict how successful and healthy he is when he grows up. However, the Psychologist online will help in reducing mother's exaggeration by taking care of her child and the permanent tension caused by her attempt to find a balance between her family and her work may pass on her negative feelings to her child, causing adverse results.

Working mother: 

According to studies conducted at Harvard, children of working mothers tend to obtain positions with salaries higher by 23% when they grow up compared to non-working children, and they manage more than their peers to help in daily household work and self-reliance.

Physical and social status: 

According to researchers at Stanford University, children from non-poor families are more likely to obtain higher degrees, obtain a better life and education, and develop confident and strong personalities


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