Most common causes and risk factors of anxiety

A normal person feels anxiety or panic from time to time. But if the feeling of anxiety is repeated in close proximity without any real reason, to the extent that it impedes the normal daily course of life, then this person is likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder.
This disorder causes excessive and unrealistic anxiety and a sense of fear, and it exceeds what can be considered a natural reaction to a particular condition.

Most common causes of anxiety

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He may have symptoms of anxiety in the following way, he may feel very concerned about his personal security and that of his loved ones, or he may generate a feeling that something bad will happen, even if there is no perceived risk. An anxiety attack usually begins at a relatively early age, as symptoms of generalized anxiety develop more slowly, then in other anxiety disorders.

Most people with generalized anxiety disorder cannot remember the last time they felt better, calm and calm. As with most mental disorders, it is not entirely clear what causes anxiety disorder. Researchers believe that natural chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters, such as Serotonin and Norepinephrine / Noradrenaline, influence these disorders.

In sum, it can be assumed that this problem has a variety of causes, including the following cases as given by. :

Panic disorder
Darkness disorder
Phobia disorder
Tension disorder
Infection with some diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
The data indicate that the percentage of women who have been diagnosed with a generalised anxiety disorder is higher than that of men with it.

Risk factors for anxiety

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There are factors that can increase your risk of generalized anxiety disorder, and they include:

Cruel Childhood:

Children who have experienced difficulties or hardships in their childhood, including witnessing traumatic events, are more likely to develop this disorder.
Illness: People who have had serious illnesses, such as cancer, may have an anxiety attack. Concern about the future and its implications, treatments and the economic situation - all of them can be a heavy psychological counseling

Psychological tension:

The accumulation of psychological tension, as a result of stressful and stressful situations in life, may generate a sense of acute anxiety. For example, a disease that requires absenteeism, which results in a loss in wages and income, can cause psychological stress, and thus generalized anxiety disorder. 


People with certain personal characteristics may be more likely to develop a generalised anxiety disorder. People with psychological needs that are not properly available, such as having an unsatisfactory emotional relationship, may feel insecure, making them more likely to develop a generalised anxiety disorder.
Moreover, some personality disorders, such as BPD - Borderline personality disorder, may be classified as a generalised anxiety disorder.

Genetic factors:

Some studies indicate that there is a genetic basis (source) for generalized anxiety disorder that causes it to be transmitted


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