7 tips for getting rid of panic attacks

Panic attacks are a mental illness that many suffer from, and this disease differs in the severity of its effect on those who suffer from it and include many unpleasant symptoms, such as fast heartbeats, frequent sweating, tremors, chest ache, and other symptoms that make a person feel uncomfortable and general disorder.

The patient may develop multiple episodes of panic and fear on his own, and he may also suffer from it, combined with other psychological diseases such as depression, which is one of the most common types of diseases that affect people and make him vulnerable to ending his life at any time, in addition to phobia, and It is followed by major negative effects on the human psyche and the general performance of his daily life.
Pinkymind, An Online counselling App that helps get rid of fear and panic attacks, namely:

1. Consult a psychiatrist, because of the importance of psychotherapy in getting rid of panic attacks, because he diagnoses the causes and patterns of thinking leading to the occurrence of seizures and helps the person to deal with them calmly and not exaggerated, and can over time control his fears.
2. Avoid caffeine because it increases symptoms.
3. Doing exercise as a way to distract the mind from thinking about the things that cause panic.
4. Take antidepressants to reduce symptoms associated with seizures, with the need to consult a doctor to determine appropriate medications and dosages for the condition.
5. Do meditation and yoga exercises.
6. A healthy diet helps to maintain the level of sugar in the blood because its decrease causes symptoms of panic.
7. Do deep breathing exercises to bypass seizures.
 "It is important to follow all these tips to get better results," noting that taking medications for example without adhering to the rest of the advice does not solve the problem.

Pinkymind, the online counselling app caters to people who want to maintain a healthy mental state. Reach us for the platform of best psychologists online.


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